Tuesday, March 24, 2020

7 Tips About Online Homework Tutor You Need to Know

7 Tips About Online Homework Tutor You Need to Know 0SHARESShare Today, with the ongoing recession in employment market, taking on useful tips to cut down the tuition fees for your kids is a welcoming sign of pocket friendliness. Let us try to probe how it could be possible while choosing an online tutor for homework help. First have a baseline for your expenditure   with regard to the amount you could spend on your homework online help Search with web engines all the online tutoring sites that come under your budget purview Check out those which have accommodative features like good credentials, experience in the subject and exposure to tutoring at length. Your search features should enroll the key facts like less cost and more utility value for the money you spend Pick up those free services or cheap tutoring programs online with the availability of  a homework tutor online free Choose classes on an hourly basis first. Do not opt for unlimited online tutoring  in the beginning. If you need, you can access the facility in due course, depending upon your need and efficiency of the site Be sure of what you demand in your homework help before clicking a schedule with a tutor, so that you can get maximum output. This is especially important   while seeking Math help like algebra in college Yes, if you are clear about your budget and the purpose of hiring an online service for homework help, you could be reasonably successful in acquiring the nice services of fine homework tutors. [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Importance of Differentiated Instruction for Students

The Importance of Differentiated Instruction for Students Differentiated Instruction: Does it Matter to Students? ChaptersAs Things Stand NowConcern for Special Needs StudentsTechnology in the Classroom: Helpful or Not?Teaching and Learning with Differentiating InstructionPeople often reflect on their Glory Days â€" the Bruce Springsteen definition, not the Little Mix album.The term glory days can mean any time in their past that the speaker believes is better than now.Per the chart-smashing Springsteen song, most feel their glory days were during secondary school, usually playing some sport or generally being very popular.For this writer, the time spent in secondary school was anything but glorious.Trapped in a teaching model that did nothing for my optimal learning style â€" kinesthetic learning, mediocrity set the tone for every class’ mark and borderline failure was where my exam scores hovered.To make matters worse, for a lack of explanation of why I consistently performed so poorly, I was mostly thought of as a bad student.It was only later, in vocational training, when we got hands-on w ith the equipment and tools, that I discovered I learn best by doing rather than listening or seeing.In spite of hefty criticism levelled at the concept of individual learning styles, there is substantial evidence that students have a preference for how they receive information, giving overall validity to the concept.Among all of the educational initiatives being bandied about and all of the struggles the Department for Education is undergoing, trying to improve teaching methods and students’ scores...Could taking into consideration how a student learns be all it takes to optimise public education? Or is there more to this story?Come with Superprof now. Let’s explore some of the greatest concerns of crowded classrooms and how teachers can make the best use of time and resources to maximise their teaching strategy.teaching strategies to employ and no learning strategies to devise.Concern for Special Needs StudentsAmong all of the advances made in educational philosophy, the ackno wledgement of learning disabilities ranks as one of the most accepting, and one of the most divisive.Dyslexia is a prevalent learning disability in which students with an otherwise normal capacity and desire to learn are hindered by their brain’s inability to process language.Causes of dyslexia are thought to be both genetic and environmental. However, students all over the globe struggle to learn because of dyslexia; it affect between 3% and 7% of learners worldwide.A similar condition, dyscalculia, renders even simple maths learning a cause for frustration and anxiety.Although dyslexia was identified as a neurological impairment in 1881, through the subsequent century, failures of dyslexic students to master learning concepts was often  equally  attributed to poor educational practices and poor student motivation.Historically, students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were labelled naughty children when, in fact, their inability to sit still and pay attention was due to a developmental neurological disorder.This condition too is prevalent worldwide; between 5 and 7% of the global student population is thus afflicted.Here again, although awareness of ADHD as a medical condition dates back to 1902, it only became widely acknowledged and managed in mainstream education in 1981.Identifying special needs students and assessing what their needs actually are went a long way towards levelling the academic playing field.Unfortunately, special education initiatives did nothing for students without special needs who nevertheless struggle to learn.Some teachers assign homework online; otherwise, technology hasn't made much impact on learning Source: Pixabay Credit: FirmBeeTechnology in the Classroom: Helpful or Not?Visuals are a powerful teaching tool.In the early days of formal education, classroom visuals consisted of a blackboard and possibly a world map. Perhaps a frieze demonstrating the proper way to write letters in cursive script adorned th e space above the chalkboard.As technology advanced, so too did classrooms: overhead projectors (1930), video (1951) and... who could forget the Banda worksheets (1923), with their purple ink and smelling of alcohol?That mimeograph machine gave the teacher more latitude in curriculum development. No longer limited to textbook content, teachers were free to devise more varied content and even include diagrammes and charts.For learners who are more inclined to visual learning, all of these advances were giant leaps towards their learning preference.The wireless radio made its way into classroom in the 1920s. Shortly thereafter, stations started broadcasting on-air classes â€" the precursor to today’s online and distance learning.Astoundingly, for all of the technological advances in the last 100 years, using technology in the classroom pretty much stalled after the PC (personal computer) went mainstream.To be sure, curricular requirements have expanded to include coding and keyboard ing classes, but they still follow the traditional teaching model: the educator speaks and the learner does.So, while technological advances have helped students learn, essentially they are confronted with the same teaching methodology that has dominated educational philosophy for centuries.Find out what the best tutors know about differentiation in the classroom...Merely repairing a dam leak overlooks the possibility of its imminent failure GeorgeB2Teaching and Learning with Differentiating InstructionIn a sense, you might say that all of the instructional strategies devised to date are akin to plugging a cracking dam with bubble gum: they address the current emergency but do nothing to remedy the bigger problem.Improving the learning experience of those with special needs and outfitting the school classroom with a variety of learning implements are valiant efforts â€" nobody could fault the education professionals for that.However, they fail to take into consideration a few basic facts:1. Grouping students by age rather than by intellect or different learning styles inevitably leaves portions of the student body with their educational needs poorly met.2. The traditional teaching model feeds students information but does not teach them how to use that information, or even how to learn.3. Multiple intelligences are not considered in the traditional learning plan.4. Summative assessments â€" periodic exams do nothing to evaluate a student’s potential for learning, only for how well s/he retained recently taught material.Again: no one is faulting hard-working teachers or parents who do their best to support their children’s education program.Our thesis embraces student-centered learning â€" the very foundation of differentiated learning.Differentiation calls for students to work in small groups, arranged by aptitude and intellectual ability.Furthermore, the students’ learning preferences are taken into consideration:Primarily visual learners would be given lots of different material to look at and draw conclusions fromPrimarily auditory learners would benefit from listening to recordings of learning materialsPrimarily kinesthetic learners would be tasked to build or otherwise create materials that would support conclusions they’ve drawn from their studies.No matter which learning style any student prefers, assignments would be tailored to their interests.Teachers, no longer at the front of the class (and hoping that students are paying attention), circulate around the room, providing individualized guidance and contributing to group work, all while conducting a formative assessment on each pupil as the work progresses.For teachers, this might sound like a nightmare of classroom management. But for students...When teachers differentiate instruction, student learning soars!Through targeted learning activities, students discover their strengths and are afforded the learning process that suits them the best.In a learning environment th at fosters inclusion of gifted students as well as those with special learning needs, student achievement is all but assured.Finally...Contrary to the nightmare scenario envisioned above, when educators eschew direct instruction in favour of differentiation strategies, they find their rooms filled with responsive students ready to hone their thinking skills and comprehension of whatever topic Teacher would embrace that day.Briefly stated, differentiation of instruction is understanding by design â€" a concept every student could benefit from.Isn’t it about time to take the pressure off of the teachers? To let students set their learning goals and be permitted the necessary avenues and tools to reach them?That would be effective teaching indeed!Now read our full guide to differentiating learning!

Learn Afresh For Exams With Online Tutors After A Great Spell Of Holidays

Learn Afresh For Exams With Online Tutors After A Great Spell Of Holidays 0SHARESShare Holidaying is part of student life and great holidays are sure to boost one’s spirits. Getting back to studies after a spell of marvelous holidays and facing the ensuing exams is crucial for students. Online tutors rush to your help on such occasions and guide you through your crucial hours of exam prep with easy methods and fruitful suggestions. What do online tutors do for your exam prep? Understanding your capabilities: Even you could not have gauged your plus and minus in learning a subject with such a precision as online tutors do. They help you in the eleventh hour with strategies that show you the gateway to pick up scores in a subject Easy tips for writing strategies and problem solving: Even a genius needs ways and means to express his knowledge or else his attempts in writing an exam go waste. Tutors online explain how to prep for an exam, how to manage your time and what to prep. They give you the prep material as well to make your job easy Reviews and practice sessions: Reviews, feed backs and practice sessions provided by Best online tutoring service providers place you in the track and help you understand the level of your progress .Many of them provide coaching courses in short durations to help you score with ease and redouble your skills in the subject Boosting the confidence: It is but natural to feel hazy and unclear about subject preps after lots of fun and festivity. Tutors online understand your hang overs and refresh your mind with techniques that enhance your confidence in the subject and reassure your learning scales for getting into track without delay It is not just tutoring, online tutoring companies like Tutor Pace undertake. It is rather sharing your educational burden to minimize it and bring forth good benefits like great scores in the oncoming exams. Avail the college online tutoring services to enjoy the benefits. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Real Secret to Improving Your Bands Sound

The Real Secret to Improving Your Bands Sound Suzy S. Do you want your band to sound even better? (Who doesnt?!) Here, San Diego, CA teacher  Maegan W. shares her secret for improving the groups sound as well as your individual musical skills Do you think a metronome is just a personal preference for some musicians? Are you one of those musicians who KNOWS your time is perfect and unmatched? Well Ive got news for you it probably isnt as spot-on as you think. Most fights in bands are due to someone being off-time, and unable to accept that it is them. The truth is that most people honestly believe they are on time. As a drummer, I learned a long time ago the only way to know for sure how good your timing really is, is to use a metronome. Im not suggesting that you always play, practice, and perform with your metronome not all music calls for that. What I am suggesting is that you take your musicianship to a whole other level, and take your power back! There is no greater feeling than knowing 100% where each note, beat, lick, and fill fits in the time and space of the song. Singer-songwriters and guitar players Im calling you out. I challenge you to use a metronome when practicing and learning songs. I have played with so many amazingly talented musicians, guitar-playing singer-songwriters who performed and sounded fantastic alone, but when it came to a band setting, they were like complete beginners. Dont let this be you. Here are some ideas on how to get comfortable with the metronome as youre singing or playing guitar with your band: 1) Listen to your songs against the click. This will help you to see where everything really lines up, and how much time you actually have to do whatever you want to do or play. 2) Devote at least 10% of your practice routine to practicing with the metronome. I recommend more like 50-90% but baby steps are fine for people not used to practicing with the metronome. 3) If youre in a band, have The Talk. This will hold everyone equally accountable for doing what they can to improve their personal timing, which will improve the bands time as a whole. Also having a group practice where the drummer listens to a click is helpful too. It instantly builds trust and competence. (If there is a problem member that cant admit or see their faults, it may be helpful to have some practices where everyone can hear the click through the speakers, to shine light on what needs extra attention.) 4) Be humble. Learning that your timing sucks can be a hard realization, especially for sensitive musicians. This can bruise the ego and come out as anger. Remember the point is not to be right or make someone feel defeated. The point is to improve your bands sound, as well as individual sound. The metronome is the Truth, and sometimes the Truth hurts. 5) Slow down! The best way to really lock down any song, riff, groove, fill, or solo is to slow way down. Take the tempo down to half or 3/4s of the original tempo and practice in slow motion, to let your brain and muscles learn exactly where everything fits.  Do this until your muscle memory learns the movement of the piece. Then when you speed back up, do it gradually in increments of 5 or 10 bpms until you arrive back at the original tempo. Then push past 10 or 20 bpms so you truly have it mastered. You never know when you will need to play it faster or slower, but with this practice, you will be prepared no matter what the speed. These are just a few ways to incorporate the metronome as youre playing guitar, singing, or whatever part you play in your band. I hope this is helpful and remember, its about taking baby steps. This is not something you just want to brush off. Being a master at time will make you a more valuable musician, and more confident in your skills too. It may be tough at first, but anything worth learning is. Go easy on yourself and/or your band. It is challenging, but I know you can do it! Maegan W. teaches drums, songwriting, and more in San Diego, CA. She earned a degree in Percussion from the Musicians Institute, and has been teaching private lessons since 2004.    Learn more about Maegan here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Jessie Hodge

Excellent Schools for the Very Good Student

Excellent Schools for the Very Good Student ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog This is a guest post byStuart Nachbar, the President of EducatedQuest.com, a leading college admissions blog and guide to the best values in higher education. For more advice and information contact him at stuart@educatedquest.com. I’m often asked: What is a “good” or “excellent” school? It’s not always the one that is the most selective or has students who scored exceptionally high on the SAT or the ACT. Terms such as “quality” and “reputation” are bandied about within higher education, but they have no real meaning. The best way to learn if a school is good or excellent is to do research. You must find the answers to these questions: Does the school engage students early and help them towards an academic direction? Does it effectively guide students to graduation? Does it help students complete their degree with as little debt as possible? And does it provide them with a network that will help them for life? Fortunately, there are numbers that can help you answer these questions. They can be found within resources, including the school itself, that are available for free. These numbers include: The freshman retention rate. Anything over 85 percent is excellent for a liberal arts college. Over 90 percent is excellent for a larger university. That may sound strange at first, subjecting the small school to a lower retention rate, but 15 percent of a smaller number of people is a small number of people. An excellent freshman retention rate is a positive reflection on the admissions office. They admitted a class that was likely to succeed. It is also a positive reflection on academics and student services. The students stay because they’re engaged and happy. Every admissions officer should know their school’s freshman retention rate. If not, ask her for a copy of the school’s most recent Common Data Set. The four-year graduation rate. Only five state-supported colleges and universities have four-year graduation rates in excess of 70 percent: The University of Virginia, The College of William and Mary (VA), The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, The University of Michigan and St. Mary’s College of Maryland. If you are seriously interested in a private college or university, it should be one that graduates students at a rate as good or better than an excellent state school. Again, every admissions officer should know their school’s four-year graduation rate. You can also find it on the school’s Common Data Set. Student indebtedness. The most a student can borrow in Federal Stafford loans, expecting to graduate in four years, is $27,000. One word to people considering a much higher level of debt to attend a “dream” school: don’t. The Project on Student Debt has average student borrower indebtedness for nearly every school. Go to their site, click on the map of the United States in the right hand corner, choose your state and zero in on your school. Alumni base. You want to know how many living alumni a school has, where they live, and where recent graduates prefer to live and work. You want to go to a school where there are alumni who live and work in the same place you want to live and work. Some schools are truly global; others are mainly local. Now suppose you do not have the 4.5 GPA and the 30+ ACT or 1350+ SAT to help you get into an “elite” school or possibly receive a free ride from your home state university. Are there excellent schools for you? Yes--and I’ve made a list to start you off. These private schools retain more than 85 percent of their freshmen, graduate 70 percent or more of their students within four years, and left the average student borrower with less than--or just a insignificant tad over--$27,000 in student loan debt in 2011, the last year data is available. Centre College (KY) Clark University (MA) College of Wooster (OH) DePauw University (IN) Elon University (NC) Furman University (SC) Hillsdale College (MI) Muhlenberg College (PA) Rhodes College (TN) Sewanee, The University of the South (TN) Skidmore College (NY) St. Lawrence University (NY) Taylor University (IN) University of Richmond (VA) Ursinus College (PA) Wheaton College (IL) Williamette University (OR) Wofford College (SC) But numbers tell only part of the story. Every campus community has its own look and vibe. The final decision is hard when you need to consider what a school can do for you and how being there can make you feel. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, 'e604e3c2-45d4-49ab-84f7-15fb598ef95f', {});

Essential College Foods

Essential College Foods Image via pinterest.com Instant oatmeal. Who does not like oatmeal? Not many people, that is for sure. Not only do you get a healthy serving of oats in under two minutes or less, it comes at a great cost. I tend to look for a variety pack with flavors ranging from maple to brown sugar cinnamon to apple cinnamon and even strawberries and cream. I also cannot stress enough how hearty and filling it is. When debating for a meal to hold you over for a while, consider a bowl of oatmeal. Frozen waffles. From the freezer to the toaster to your plate all in under three minutes. Keep it simple and stress-free with a couple of your favorite brands of frozen waffles with some syrup for a quick and sweet breakfast. Toaster pastries. To many of you, Pop-tarts. However, since this is the budget friendly version, seek out your grocery store’s version of toaster pastries. Lesser quality? Sure, but not too much by and large in my opinion. Also, brown sugar cinnamon is the best flavor and if you disagree feel free to stop reading this now! Here are some quick and easy lunch foods to help you save your money for other fun college activities. Image via Pixabay Sandwiches. Tried and true, sandwiches are a common staple in many college students’ lunch options. The easiest and most traditional? Peanut butter and jelly. Nothing like slapping together two pieces of white bread with some nut butter on one and grape jelly on the other. If you prefer some more protein, buy some lunchmeat and deli slices of cheese to make a quick deli sandwich or sub. Quick and easy for a perfect snack in between classes. Quesadillas. Buy some tortillas, throw some shredded cheese in the middle and just like that you have instant microwaveable quesadillas. To make them even tastier, add in some shredded chicken or pork. A delicious lunch in less than a few minutes. lifelistened.com Soup. My go-to lunch for about a month was a can of cream of chicken with oyster crackers. Soup, in general, is a convenient, microwave-friendly way to have a quick meal while keeping it cheap. Many times cans of soup are a dollar or less and some crackers to go along with it are cheap too. For those of you worried about too much sodium, this may not be the best meal for you but thicker soups will keep you fuller for longer. Time for a fast dinner. Here are some quick, cheap dinners. Image via: SoupAddict Ramen. You knew this would be on here at some point. For a majority of you, you know why ramen is on this list so I will not go too in-depth with this one. All I will say is that Maruchan beef flavored ramen is the basically the equivalent to a five-star meal. emaze.com Frozen pizza. I cannot tell you all how many of my dinners were frozen pizza. If you go to the right store, you can get five to last for a week or two for only about $10. To add some spice to the frozen ‘Za, sprinkle some garlic powder on top to make it taste less like a frozen pizza and more authentic. Image via Thecountrycontessa.com Easy Mac. Another staple for lunch or dinner. Pour some water into the cup of noodles, heat, mix in the DELICIOUS processed cheese packet and just like that you have a quality cup of mac. “Quality” might be a subjective term for some but Easy Mac is a quick fix for those not wanting to make a full meal. Chicken fingers. My personal favorite fast frozen food growing up. Warm up 8-10 on a plate for a few minutes, pop open a bottle of ketchup, and then enjoy. Warm up some fries in the oven as well for a nice, fast meal. What are your favorite foods that are an essential part of your college diet? Leave a comment below and your usual cost. You could give your fellow students a new food or frozen delight to try out!

Tutoring via Twitter

Tutoring via Twitter It seems that not a day goes by without some reference to Twitter in the media; be it a wayward politician telling all about inner-party secrets or an overpaid footballer throwing a tantrum about their recent transfer dealings, Twitter seems to be the weapon of choice if you want to make yourself heard these days. But does it have the potential to help private tutors deliver their tutoring services to their clients? Within three short years, Twitter has grown to become one of the 50 most popular websites in the entire world - quite an achievement when you consider just how young the company is and how rapidly it has integrated itself into popular culture. The site itself is a free to use social networking site. It is best described as a micro-blogging service; allowing users to post text messages that can be read by their followers (people who subscribe to the author's posts). These posts are known as Tweets, and are primarily the reason why Twitter is used by millions worldwide. But there are two curious factors about Twitter: the first is that, whilst Twitter is one of the most popular sites on the Internet, it has a hard time retaining its users. Every month, the average conversation figure for users retained each month is only around 40%. Second, it seems young people just aren't interested - although this could open up an interesting opportunity for those who act as private tutors to older tutees. According to recent figures from ComScore, the majority of Twitter users are aged between 45-65. Twitter is still in its infancy, but could it eventually serve as a real-time platform for online tutors and adult learners to engage in one-to-one tuition?